"Make It Right"
Besucher auf der Seite31058
AutorenTim Buckley, Joe Falsia, Jerry Goldstein, Larry Beckett
Statuskein Projekt Song

A lusty, powerful song from the underrated Welcome to L.A. album, "Make It Right" is probably one of Tim Buckley's most overtly commercial recordings of his entire career. Lyrically, it is an erotic, lust-filled sex song, pure and simple. Buckley's claim that the album would sound good during rubdowns reaches an apology here, and is one of his "dirtiest" sexual statements ever. A great (and surprisingly undated) dance/ funk rhythm and melody, filled with dark minor chords is the musical basis here and, in some ways, makes it one of the forerunners of the disco genre.

(Matthew Greenwald, allmusic.com)

gefundene Aufnahmen: 2
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